Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wonder Woman in Superman vs Batman Movie

DC needs to slow down. They are trying to cram all these super heroes into one movie. Superman and Batman already had the spot light? How will Wonder Woman fit into all of this? How are they going to explain her back story and develop her character?

It's obvious to everybody that DC is trying to repeat Marvel's success with the Avengers, but DC is not repeating how Marvel did it right. Marvel took time to develop its characters through films. That way they could focus on the story and not have to develop all these characters that are completely different from each other. Can you imagine what it would have been like if the Avengers was the first film Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor were in? It would have been a mess.

One thing I liked about the Avengers was that I actually felt like all the heroes were from the same universe. When I watch the Captain America movie it feels different from an Iron Man movie, but both movies feel like Marvel movies. If the Nolan Batman movie trilogy took place in the same universe as Man of Steel I would have a hard time buying that. It's ironic because in Man of Steel, the route they took with Superman was the same route they took with Batman. They did a darker, more realistic comic book movie. However, both movies don't feel connected the same way Marvel movies were. Yes, in Man of Steel they did have a Wayne satellite, but they need to do more than that to make the franchises connected. If the Batman they are using is a new Batman and not the same Batman from the Nolan trilogy then I will be okay with it. I think they can easily reintroduce Batman into the DC universe.

Wonder Woman is a different story. The reason Batman can be easily put into the Man of Steel universe is because he is a normal guy. He is just a rich billionaire who fights crime. However, Wonder Woman is an Amazon created by Greek Gods. The concept of Wonder Woman doesn't really fit the DC universe they have created in the movies. The concept of a man fighting crime is easy for a viewer to buy, but Amazons and Greek Gods? A concept like that needs to be introduced through its own movie first, especially if it wants to connect with an already established universe. Avengers would not have worked out as well if Thor and Loki had been introduced for the first time in it.

DC needs to take its time with its franchises and create several good movies rather than just cram everything into one movie. They run the risk of alienating regular movie goers.

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