Monday, December 9, 2013

Should We Have Kids Believe in Santa Claus?

To be honest the only reason I would ever look forward to Christmas as a kid was because of the presents. However, now as an older man I have learned to enjoy giving people presents and recently have been involved with charity events. This year all I'm asking for is a few One Piece and Naruto comics. I am not asking for the new PlayStation or Xbox. However, lots of little kids are.

When I was young I would see those Christmas specials that would try to teach kids the real meaning of Christmas, but that message never got across to me. Kids just want toys. To make it worse we have commercials all over the place that put pressure on people to want and buy things. How can a kid even believe in Santa when all these commercials show people buying presents. Some have turned Santa into this corporate mascot. This man is supposed to symbolize giving not buying.

So I ask, should we have kids believe in Santa Claus? The main reason children fail to see the true message of the holiday is because their parents tell them Christmas is about this magical figure who will give them what ever their heart desires. Of course kids will easily fall into the pit of greed if they believe in that. Christmas is supposed to celebrate Jesus' birthday, but 9/10 people I know do not even believe in Jesus. I never bought into that. I was all about the toys.

How The Grinch Stole Christmas and A Christmas Carol are the best Christmas books because they effectively get across the true meaning of Christmas. I will be telling my children those stories instead of Santa Claus. If family's tell their kids the true meaning of Christmas from the beginning then the world would be a better place. At least around Christmas time.

What do you guys think? Will you tell your children about Santa Claus? Why or why not?

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