- "Obama is the best!"
- "No, he's a Muslim terrorist, faggot."
- "You Conservativ bastards ruin the world! You don't kow a fuck!"
- "Lern how to spell, retard!"
- "Fuck you!"
The psychology around this is simple. In real life those people probably would not respond this way if talking to an actual person. However, because they are on the internet, they feel safe. They are in no danger, so they say whatever they want. Swearing at someone does not make you look superior or make your argument better. It is embarrassing. Try to respect other people's opinions. If you see an opinion you think is stupid, do not respond to it. You are entering a battle you can not win. Do something better with your time.
P.S. I am not a Grammar Nazi, but if you are trying to be intelligent at least proof read your work.
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