Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Response to "Worthless" College Majors

As a kid in his senior year I feel the pressure of college. However, I have been focused on my life after college. I want to get a History major and minor in things related to it, but after reading articles from various sites such as Forbes, I found out that my major is considered one of the top ten "worthless" degrees. The reason it is considered "worthless" is because of the high unemployment rate of around ten percent and the annual salary a person receives. Pretty much any social science and anything that is not match, science, or technology, is considered "worthless". 

I can't say I'm surprised. Math, science, and technology fields require a great amount of work and skill. To major in any of those fields would make a person stand out over the majority of the population. The reason being is that Americans are horrible in those fields. It's no secret the US is 25th in math and 17th in science among developed nations. All of the Employers in the country are looking for mathematicians to do the math for them. The country is looking for new medicines to fight against cancer, viruses and diseases. Also people are investing in the innovators that will change the world like Steve Jobs. I admit that building a Mars rover or developing new touch screen technology is extremely harder than reading and analyzing books and documents. 

Any "successful" job is going to be tough. I'm not saying people who major in history, language, or English have it easy. Those studies are very time consuming. Since unemployment rates are higher, competition is fierce. I read that if you go to grad-school the unemployment rate cuts in half, but I doubt I will do that. 

Admittedly at first I was intimidated by these findings, but after several hours of thought and research I'm fired up to succeed more than ever.

You shouldn't do a major because of money, but because you are good at it. You get money by being good at something. People might say it is a much smarter move to do computer science rather than history if the intention is getting money and having a better chance of getting a job. While that is true from a statistics standpoint it should be pointed out that just because you have one of those math, science, and technology degrees doesn't mean you are guaranteed a job. Also if you naturally struggle with math then you probably won't get the major anyway.

Life is unpredictable. You can succeed or fail. It's scary because you never know. I don't know if I will succeed or fail. However, "failure" is a word that people define differently. People who define success by what they want will never be satisfied. However, those who define success by what they actually have will be satisfied.

I’m looking forward to the future and seeing what I can do with my passions. All I hope for is that I will be happy.

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